Saturday, April 2, 2011

Foundation or Footing ; ฐานรากหรือรากฐาน

In addition for Mat Foundation we need to know 
<Construction steps>
1. Retaining walls, Sheet Pile and excavation
Retaining walls were installed around the building before the excavation work began on the building side.
2. Temporary piles using steel pipes
About over 500 steel pipes were carefully installed underneath the entire foundation one after the other with fine tuning to temporarily support the weight of the building of around 5,000 tons.
3. Securing the base isolation pit
A pit was secured underneath the existing building to construct a new foundation (mat slabs; thickness: 1.5. to 2.6 meters) to enable installation of the base isolation devices.
4. Installation of the base isolation devices
The base isolation devices, including laminated rubber bearing, were installed, and after the mat foundation was jacked-down the "temporary piles" were removed.

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